Tuesday, 20 August 2013

A little bit of History...

Good Morning Fellow Journey takers.....
You have no idea how thrilled I am to type that.. it is great I have people coming along with me already..... my hugest thanks!

I have been thinking about this post.. and how to do it..... where do I start?  New Blog etc.... do I start at the beginning, or do I leap in and hope it all makes sense eventually?  So split the difference, and carry on I thinks!

OK.. I am "not very well"   I am not after sympathy and all that, what I am actually after is a diagnosis.... hell that would be great!  After months and months of back and forth to the doctors, and more blood given than any self respecting vampire could handle, we are still no wiser.  Oh we know a huge list of stuff it isn't.... which is good, but doesn't make me feel any better in myself.... I want a label to slap on it, and then I want a pill to make me better.....  I want me back....  the fear of the unknown is not making my other symptoms any easier to deal with, especially when one of them is my ability to burst into tears at the drop of a hat.... and no I am not depressed.. I have been there, I know that feeling... this is just tears.... over anything.... you name it.. I will cry over it... and I HATE it... I am strong.. I am not a weepy person, I am a defender and an embracer.. I am not a soggy tissue clutching leaky tear duct!!!!

I deal with a lot of my "issues" through flippancy... I have a Masters Degree in Flippancy... I am Queen of the comeback.....  so admitting how ick I really am.. that takes some doing!

So.. I started Book of Days......  Why?  well, cos I adore Effys work, I love her teaching style (having taken Sweetlings and watched several youtube vids) so I figured BOD would be a nice little pressie to me to cheer myself up and learn a few new techniques.

I HAD NO IDEA!!!!  Absolutely no freaking idea!!!!

I cannot say how thrilled, honoured and empowered I feel to be part of the BOD Squad!  I cannot begin to express how much I have learned..... not just technique wise, but me wise.....  the Book of Mirrors is really getting me to open up and let it out.. which with my health being what it is, I desperately needed to do.  The power of Art can NEVER be underestimated, and neither can the compassion of other artists!  I can feel my art developing, growing and maturing weekly, and I can feel friendships getting stronger with each interaction in the group, and I am humbled by the intensity of our connections.

OK..... I gotta get on.. this took me longer to write that I anticipated..... but I leave you with a few pictures.. from my BOD journal .. I was going to say something apologetic about the style.... or the artistic ability.... but No.. That was the old me..... this is the new emerging me.. so this is MY art, and I LOVE it and embrace it!!!!!  And I did draw them all free hand..... Yayyy!

I still find writing my thoughts in my journal difficult... which is why I am so in love with Quotes right now........  but I am learning!

See you next time! <3 xxxxxxx

Monday, 19 August 2013


I decided to start a new blog....  dunno why.. my old blog isn;t getting much interest, but hey, I like to complicate my life!

This blog is more about my stuff.... not the DT stuff I am doing, or the acceptable/non-confusing/ non-scary art etc.. this is deeper and more my inner me....  you have been warned.

I am very much changing my style of arting.... I found a wonderful quote the other day which I think summed it all up perfectly......

The deepest secret is that life is not a process of discovery, but a process of creation.  You are not discovering yourself, but creating yourself anew. Seek, therefore, not to find out Who you Are, seek to determine Who You Want to Be.
Neale Donald Walsch
(Quote taken from Taking Flight)


So...in a nutshell.... at this moment in time.. I am taking the wonderful Book of Days workshop with the fabulous Effy Wilde, I am also investigating Inner Excavations with Liz Lamoreux, and Effy... I am taking the My Candy 12 month workshop with Rachelle Panagarry, plus I have copies of Taking Flight by Kelly Rae Roberts, and Creative Awakenings by Sheri Gaynor.....  I am reading Art Journal Freedom by the very clever Dina Wakely.  On top of this, I am embarking on Art Heart and Healing with Tamara Laport of Willowing Art...... I am also a Woman who Runs with the Wolves (Book by Clarissa Pinkola Estes).. and I am delving into the possibilities of Wide Open by Randi Feuerhelm-Watts.  If that wasn't enough, I am taking a Book of Secrets workshop with the very talented Andy Skinner

(I will get all the links up as I can for you)

Just to make sure I am not bored at all..... I am also saving like mad so I can start Moonshine with Effy in September... I have a rather large case of Hero Worship going on with Effy.. it is OK.. she knows..... and it is only from afar.. I am not stalking her or anything....cos I don't have a passport!!! :-)

So.... this blog.... will be all about the above workshops, my successes and failures.... and the deeper side of me, the side that wants to light candles, and dance naked at midnight under the full moon...... the side that wants to go to festivals with my spiritual arty kindred spirits, the side of me that adores Stonehenge, the side that wants to fling glitter and paint with abandon, the side that produces the most fabulous amazing compelling artwork..... as opposed to the side of me that conforms and tries to blend in, is scared to appear in public in a swimsuit, hates glitter (nasty messy stuff!) and in reality paints a bit odd actually, but loves it anyway!

So.... if anyone is reading this, and decided to follow me.... Welcome.....  I hope we have a fabulous journey together as I seek to find Who I Want to Be!

yayyyy! xxx