Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Anybody still there?

Ermm.. Hello... haven't blogged for so long, I doubt anyone is still with me! :-)
Anyhoo... just in case there is an follower still.. and there is interest still.. I have been busy in the back ground doing *stuff*  which can be found here, my new website and blog.... still rather basic and little.. seeing how it all goes before I shell out the necessary pennies to make it all singing and dancing... but for now, all Arting, Blogging, Waffling etc as well as future Big Plans.. (sssshh.. secret still)  will be occurring there.....  Keeping this one open tho.. just as a back up for when I spectacularly fail plan whatever I am up to! LOL
So.. hopefully see you there.. maybe?
Toodles! xxxxx
