Saturday, 27 December 2014

Post Christmas, Pre New Year

and doing my annual ramblings on what has passed and what I want for the next 12 months!

Same blog.. but new name and hopefully a bigger and more confident Arty Identity.  I really want to keep this blog up to date and active, but hey we will see!  Going to try lots of the fancy buttons blogger has to offer too.. I never really have learned how it all works!
Been a tough 12 months... had my head in the sand for a lot of it... Health issues have caused me all kinds of strife and I have sort of sunk into myself and wallowed a little bit...  I know I can't have a Magic Fix, but over the next few months I intend to climb and clamber and haul myself out of my pit.  I know I will have down days, but I plan on trying to control the extent of them... and make a Bad Day an OK day instead.  OK days I can live with.. bad days are getting to me!

I am going to be bigger and bolder with my art life.... I have so many experimentals I want to try.. so why not.. lets try them.... plus I am in a group where we commit to do 100 faces... so that is being started soon.... and I am trying as hard as I can to sign up for as many of Effy Wilds courses as I can for another year, cos, well.. I have to! .... plus I won a seat on the 2015 LifeBook with the fabulous Tam of Willowing Art.. so Art is in the list of things to do in New Year.

Not going to waffle on much more.. just needed to get a post up and out there to keep this blog rolling.....  so.. if you are gonna stick around.. watch out for a HUGE amount of Art to be posted!

Toodles.. and a Happy New Year! *mwah*