Sunday, 13 April 2014

Theres life in the old book yet!

Gooood Morning!  Beautiful sunny day (again).. bit shocked as it is school holidays.. I was expecting rain for two week! :-)

Following on from my last post.. I have been thinking... and I am going to start writing all the stuff down to get it out.. but you all don't and to be reading it.. and some of it may not be publishable!!   So.. I am going to be writing in a book, and arting, and letting it out!

So I needed a book....  there has been lots of chat in a group I am in, and the words Book of Shadows has popped up lots..... so I went off to have a look.... WOW, there are some stunning ones, but also at a stunning price!  Then I remembered a book I bought a few years ago at Covent Garden Market.  There was a stall there selling the most divine leather bound notebooks..... not cheap, but my friend called me over as he had a couple that were not considered sellable because the binding had broken.. so we got them for a very silly price......  Much as I loved the cover, the book itself was no good to art in because the paper was too thin.. so it sat on the shelf.. till yesterday, when I carefully cut the entire book out and just had the cover.. then using handmade papers, various parchments and just scrummy papers in all colours and weights, I played.......  I think it is now perfect to write, art and reflect....   I love it!!!  And here is a quick step by step run through........

One Beautiful Leather Bound Book.... and lots of papers......

Al the pages cut out.....

 All the scrummy papers folded into 5 signatures....... All mixed, handmade, fabric-ish, parchment etc

 Sewn together.. (cos I found just enough waxed cord to do so) and each signature is stitched onto a canvas page which will be glued into the book....

 ...and finally all glued in place... and it still shuts! LOL  Yayyyyy

I am very happy with it....    Hope you like it

Toodles! :-) xxxxx


  1. Looks fabulous...clever idea re attaching the signatures to canvas...I've got a few journals I'm thinking I could adapt now....mmmmmm

    1. Thanks Amanda..... by stitching onto the canvas as if that was going to be the cover.. it was very easy to glue into the book cover without it all going wrong..... I am now eyeing up other old books I have in the house... LOL xxx

  2. Your journal looks beautiful with all of the new pages in it! Great idea to stitch them to the canvas first! Thanks for inspiring us Debs!

  3. Oh my gosh, Debs, it's incredibly deliciously gorgeous! Thanks so much for showing how you did it.

  4. Oh my gosh, Debs, it's incredibly deliciously gorgeous! Thanks so much for showing how you did it.

  5. Looks fantastic, you see its that 'stitching onto canvas' or 'stitching onto anything' really that is the bit that I can never quite follow.

  6. That's awesome!!!! Did you glue the canvas signature covers together and then the outside ones to the inside of the book cover? Just want to know so I can do it too! You are such an inspiration! <3

  7. As I was the friend you mentioned I am pleased to see that you have made so much good use of the covers. As I haven't done anything with mine there may be another set for you next time you visit.
